Sunday, 18 January 2015

Ship Editor

Here's the first release of the ship editor. There's no limitation on what you can build so go crazy if you want to. The only possible limit is the number of vertices in the ship (~65532), which clocks in at about 8000 blocks, the other limits are for gameplay reasons - MAXIMUM 10 turret groups. It's very important to take all the turrets you have and group them together - only identical turrets can be grouped.

Press "Done" to test your ship and how it handles in the current physics (which are subject to change). You can spawn a random enemy ship by pressing "+Enemy".

How combat works - click on a ship to set your target and then click on the subsystem you want to damage. The hull will naturally block either all the damage or part of it depending on its health. Different subsystems have different effects when damaged or destroyed - the warp core causing a complete meltdown and destroying the ship.

Right click on subsystem icons on the bottom right to set whether they should be repaired or not. Your repair rate is based on your crew percentage - crew can be lost to a broken life support subsystem (since there's no air).

This is the first release of anything ever I've done, so any bug reports or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Download here.

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