Tuesday 14 July 2015

Visual improvements - Engine/Game preview

I took some time to make important optimisation and figured I might as well try and make the game a bit prettier.

First things first, the engines. I wasn't very comfortable with how I was handling engine glow, didn't fit in with the game's minimalist style and also didn't run particularly well. Some small vertex color tricks later and you get engine glow for a single draw call on any ship (since they're not moving anyway). It looks a lot better on larger, slower ships.

Second small improvement is the image preview of a game you're about to load. Witcher 3 had it and I figured it couldn't be that difficult to do it with Unity. Didn't take long to implement but it's totally worth it.

As always, the focus is on adding upgrades, items, any sort of content, and that's the sort of thing I don't want to spoil - I'll have to show them off on video.

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